SQL Server Boolean Data Type Journal Article : cybexhosting.net

Hello and welcome to this journal article about SQL Server Boolean data type. In this article, we will delve deep into the world of SQL Server Boolean data type and learn everything about it. Whether you are a seasoned SQL Server expert or a beginner, this article will provide you with some valuable insights into this topic. So let’s get started!

What is SQL Server Boolean Data Type?

Boolean data type is a data type that can have a value of either TRUE or FALSE. In SQL Server, Boolean data type does not exist as such. However, SQL Server provides a data type called BIT, which can be used to store Boolean data values. BIT is used to represent 1-bit integer values, which can be either 0 or 1. The value 0 represents FALSE, and the value 1 represents TRUE.

How to Use BIT Data Type in SQL Server?

BIT data type can be used in SQL Server in various ways. Here are some examples:

Example Description
CREATE TABLE MyTable (MyBoolean BIT) Creates a table with a column named MyBoolean of BIT data type.
INSERT INTO MyTable (MyBoolean) values (0) Inserts a row with MyBoolean value as FALSE.
SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE MyBoolean=1 Selects all rows where MyBoolean value is TRUE.

As you can see, BIT data type can be used in SQL Server just like any other data type. Here are some common FAQs related to SQL Server Boolean data type:

FAQs about SQL Server Boolean Data Type:

Q1) Can I use Boolean data type in SQL Server?

A1) No, there is no Boolean data type in SQL Server. However, you can use BIT data type to store Boolean values.

Q2) What is the range of values that BIT data type can store?

A2) BIT data type can store only 1-bit values, which can be either 0 or 1.

Q3) How to convert BIT data type to Boolean data type?

A3) There is no direct way to convert BIT data type to Boolean data type in SQL Server. However, you can use a CASE statement to convert BIT value to Boolean value. Here is an example:


As you can see, you can convert BIT value to Boolean value using a CASE statement.

Q4) How to compare BIT value with Boolean value?

A4) You can compare BIT value with Boolean value using the = operator. Here is an example:


This will select all rows where MyBit value is TRUE.

Q5) Can I use BIT data type in indexes?

A5) Yes, you can use BIT data type in indexes. However, you should be careful while using BIT data type in indexes, as it can lead to index fragmentation and poor performance. It is generally recommended to use BIT data type only for small tables.

Q6) Can I use BIT data type with NULL values?

A6) Yes, you can use BIT data type with NULL values. By default, NULL values are considered as FALSE in BIT data type. However, you can also explicitly set NULL values as TRUE or FALSE using the NULLIF function. Here is an example:

SELECT NULLIF(MyBit, 0) as MyBoolean FROM MyTable

This will set NULL values as TRUE in the result set.


In conclusion, we have learned that SQL Server does not have a Boolean data type as such. Instead, we can use the BIT data type to store Boolean values. BIT data type can be used in SQL Server just like any other data type, and it has its own advantages and disadvantages. By following the best practices and guidelines, we can use BIT data type effectively in our SQL Server applications.

Thank you for reading this article about SQL Server Boolean data type. We hope that this article has provided you with some valuable insights and information. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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